Sunday, July 4, 2010


Dear A,

You rub it in my face, your envy, with pictures

You love to put salt on the wounds

Your desperate for attention, his attention

And your fake smiles to my face

Deceive everyone but me

You think you know him better

You think you understand what he needs

You want his comfort, his warmth, his admiration

Fuck you bitch is all I have to say

Get your own man, cause it's about time you grew up

You want his friendship, I get that

You want someone to rely on, I can handle that

But what you don't understand

Is that I don't share well

And I want a man who's heart is with one woman

Not confused by two

I'd give anything for him

Could you say the same thing?

The reality of this episode

Is that the drama queen will get her crown

And with clever conviction

Will also receive her prince

,,,,,,,but not without a fight

And unless your willing to shed some blood for him

Back out gracefully.