Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I had a dream that broke me from a reality that I found to be unbearable. I was wearing a white silken wrap with a shawl wrapped around my neck. I could see the morning sun rising peaking into the room where I lay. I looked above me to see at least twenty more feet of ceiling with a simple fan circulating the humid air surrounding me. I looked over to where the window should be and see an archway made of stone. As my eyes adjust to the sunlight beginning to fill the room I gaze around to see that the room is in fact much larger than I first observed and two more archways for windows appearing parallel to the former one on my side of the bed. I looked down towards my feet to feel the soft Egyptian cotton sheets caress my legs and my body begins to feel quite relaxed and somewhat tired again. I rest my head back on the pillow and suddenly I feel a presence I never even noticed before beside me. I look over to see a dark skinned man laying within the sheets with a soft smile spread across his lips. As he layed upon his side I could see the muscle tone within his arms and the dark hair protruding from his chest. I slowly lift the sheets with a bit of a struggle to see just how lucky I got and as my eyes travel from his chest down to his treasure trail and even further to his pubic area, I cover my mouth with my left hand to stop from gasping. As I cover him back up I notice that he is beginning to stir so I ever so carefully sit up and swing my legs over the bed onto the smooth wooden floor. I am overcome now with confusion and wonder but am distracted by the noises coming from outside. I stand up and slowly walk in the sunlight blazing on the floor and as I come closer and closer to the windowless archway, I see below me a market place filled with people coming and going. As they bustle from one stand to another, I notice that they are covered up with shawls and long dresses and from this picture I realize that this was not home to say the least. Before I could even speak, I hear soft footsteps coming up from behind me and as the presence gets closer I feel warm hands caress my neck. I asked as even toned as I could where I was, as I began to shake with the feel of his skin on mine. He hesitated for a moment and I felt warm lips kiss the nape of my neck. He then preceded to slide his hands around my waist and before I could hesitate he said with a deep soft spoken voice "What a beautiful morning, we should go into the city. I have a surprise waiting for you." I closed my eyes believing this was all a fantasy and when I opened them I piered out through the market place and saw something that brought me pleasure and fear all at once; I saw miles and miles of desert.
He noticed my gaze and pointed towards it and said with utter contentment "This is our home, the way you wanted it".
I turned around and I looked up into his deep brown eyes to find myself completely entranced. He brought his hands up to the tie on my wrap and with one aggressive tug he had untied my wrap and left it to fall gracefully on the floor in front of us. With my eyes still on his, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself closer so our lips could not just touch but embrace the heat that came over me. Without another moments hesitation, I kissed him hard and felt his soft tongue play with my lips, as if to ask permission to enter. I moaned and opened my mouth just enough to let our tongues meet with soft certainty. I could feel the heat from his chest against mine and my nipples slowly hardening while his hands grabbed on to my hips and ass firmly. Before I could make another move he hoisted me onto his throbbing member and I cried out in delight as he entered me so smoothly, so perfectly, as if he had done this a hundred times before. With all his strength he carried me over to the bed not even skipping the rhythm we had going and layed me down gently and continued to penetrate me. I moaned even louder and begged him to go deeper and with one stroke he was all in me and I cried out as his thrusts continued deeper and deeper. As he proceeded closer to climaxing he held me tighter and tighter in his arms and with one final stroke we both moaned as he filled me with the most intense passion I had ever felt from a man. As he began to come down from his climax, he rested his head on my chest and told me he loved feeling my heartbeat afterwards.I don’t know if it was because of the shock from this incredible man’s touch that awakened my system or the feel of him still inside me or even the humidity that began to creep up along our sweat induced skin, but I began to feel tears streaming in my eyes and creep down my cheeks as I smiled at him. Looking into his eyes I began to be flooded with memories that hit me so hard in a side sweep as if I was recovering from temporary amnesia. I stroked his face softly and begin to say something..................
......................I wake up.

Why is it that every time I want to be near you
Something always gets in the way
Why is it that every time I want to hear your voice
Someone speaks to tune you out
Your careless motion of genuine smiling
Always provokes a tingle of surreal assurance
That if I take a step ever so closely to you
I might just get the chance to be with you.
Could it really be that simple
Or am I just a vulnerable woman
To your every endeavour?
How is it in the slight moment of an exhilarating connection
We are disturbed by the elder peace
Maybe I mistake your kindness for being polite
Or maybe you mistake me for just another woman
Either way I mourn for you as if you were gone
And I count the days until I can have the courage to see you again
But until my surge of cowardliness fades into the cerebral indefiance
I wait so patiently for you to take the first step
In acknowledging that I am yours and willingly,
You are mine.

Monday, November 3, 2008

I met him one day, as it turns out the beginning of the year, and until that day I was indescribably lost. I was lost within my role in life, my purpose and the unfortunate desire to just throw in the towel seemed to enter my mind all too often. I was with a fiancĂ© that had every intention of making me happy and loving me until the end, but he was too emotionally out of anyone’s range in helping him. I had to live at home because I could not afford to live either with my fiancĂ© or by myself and I was stuck at a dead end job like the many before it and my life was emotionally spinning out of control. My friends were moving on with their lives and I felt like the outsider within all aspects of my life and that I was about to drown in my own conceptual sorrow until....
Until I noticed his eyes, until I saw that pure, genuine smile that spread across his face and in that one moment all I wanted to do was have him take me away to be someone new, someone that could begin a new life, in a new town, in a new year.
This was written approximately three years ago, and about a month later, after Valentines Day, I did, in fact split with my fiance. And this was the beginning of my dating life, at least it felt like a renewal of my love life and my love for life. I began to see clearly for the first time in ages that I wanted more, I craved more in this life than I could ever have anticipated. I still had to live at home until I could recuperate myself financially and that has seemed to be a never ending tale all on it's own but I then took my life into my hands. Things that I had put on the back burner for years including writing and other hobbies were finally at my fingertips again. The person that needed to be unleashed was afraid of what might happen if I put my hopes into too many things, including love, but at the same time, I felt like a tiger waiting to pounce, lol, but it took still a few more months for this kitty to put herself out there in the dating scene. The worse aspect of this fear was that I had no idea where to start, how to go about any of it. I forgot even the basics of dating 101 and trying to figure myself out in the process and let others and myself know who I am is still a struggle even to this day.

Have you ever had the uncertainty that creeps along your neck and down your spine. The uncertainty of being whole, of being whole without someone else? I hate that feeling and the only time I get that uncertainty and assurance of myself is when I’m waiting for that damn phone to ring or the door to knock. The moments seem like eternity when you place yourself entirely in the hands of someone else. That vulnerability that sets you up for ultimate failure. The feelings of uncertainty creep in and suddenly the untimely ring erupts the silence, however, it is not the ring of opportunity, of neediness, of long awaited completeness, and you realize that he is clearly avoiding you for the sole purpose of keeping the anticipation high. But the spectacle of wonder still lingers of not knowing if he is waiting for a peak climax or if he is really at the demise of this story.The depression of knowing that the uncertainty is the only thing that will keep you company tonight rides high along your emotional state.
The only person I wish to seek is not in that phone call, however, but within a distance of two hundred feet from my front door. Everyday I ponder the idea of what my life would be like if I had just enough nerve to walk those two hundred feet and tell him how I feel, to tell him that there is no one else I’d rather see, no where else I’d rather be than in this very spot showing him how much I crave his touch, how I crave his soothing voice and genuine smile, and the very thought of him makes my aching heart beat with anticipation for his next words. If I could plainly tell him that I love him would that have any effect on my life, on my existence but the dread does not come from what I would say to him, the dread and fear comes from what he would say.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

If only I could love the way others do
What if I’m not capable of intimacy
I’ll only stay lonely and depressed
Anticipating the door to open
For love to break the chains
Of Hopelessness, of selfishness, of time
Maybe I’m too inclined to think
That love should be a fairytale
The kind that opens hearts and minds
That lifts spirits and creates hope
I may see an opportunity
I hope it does not pass me by
Because I feel the end is too close
For me to breath in your air
To move at the sight of your face
Please tell me what I’m missing
Please show me how to feel
So I can be everything
I need to be
To love.

Here I am at my darkest moment and all I can sense throughout my entire body is the heavy zombie like motion of dread, fear and utter depression. I don't feel useful enough to exist, how did I manage to get to this point again, how did I manage to fail when I though t I had a fool proof solution, a plan if you will. Now the fear overwhelms me and I dread the idea that I may only have a days, maybe weeks until i’m non-existent. How? The energy, the motivation to exist is gone and if i’m lucky, it will be quick and painless. How else would you want it if your life has been slow and agonizing. I feel like a used up whore, one who has no glow to her face, only a witherd body that lies lifeless as someone else releases their emotions in her. I have succumbed to letting others release their frustrations, their feelings of control, anger, guilt, denial and urge. I am invisible, especially to the one who could make this all go away.
Who? The man I can not let go of in my mind and my heart, one who has barely spoken to me yet I would let him take me away to a far land and wrap his arms around me, promising never to let go. Whenever I feel this empty, he is the sun that lets some warmth enter my body. I wish he could hear my voice crying out for him at night but all I can hear is the train that lays me down peacefully and I lay silently, whimpering and praying that one day he will know how I feel.
His eyes burn into me with such honesty and innocence that he could love me without judgement, without feelings of sympathy or empathy, just to tell me he loves me and that we could be free together, would he love me that much?
I love the way his lips curve to reveal a subtle smile and his laugh boars into my soul to release pain. His soft spoken voice lets me know his calm and alluring tone is set to sedate me and entrance such sad useless woman. How many ways can I claim that he is the one I see forever in my mind and in my heart, I am at his service, I would do whatever it took to be his queen, his partner, his friend and his lover. I will pray every night until the day comes that I can be his and I will whisper his name so softly that only the heavens will hear "his name".
If only I could wake up and know that there are opportunities arising every moment for me
What if all the signs I have lead directly to him?
Will I take it? Will I accept the utmost rejection that I am sure to face?
Or will love finally conquer all?
His eyes lead me in a deep dark haze that suppresses every field of imagination I had before
He is like a dream of what my life is supposed to be
So Why am I hesitant?
The only part of his touch that I've embraced are his fingers and even the slightest warmth
Has held my mind in disarray and my breath chilled as I exhale
May be the only parts of him he will ever let me have
Love is about obsession, infatuation and embracing the few moments each person takes the time to enjoy- so where do I stand and when and how will I have this opportunity to be with him....

Memoirs of a Twisted Love Affair

"Let Me Love You" by Mario I replay the smooth melody as I lay down on my bed, its a tranquil beat that flows through my body, reminding me of the times I lay on your bed, my head on your chest after we make love, I feel the sweat that trickles off your chest and stomach, the glistening of it tempts me to run my fingertips gently across your stomach and chest as I watch your chest rise and fall. We both lie there in an utter attempt to relax and soak in the peacefulness of the moment, the song comes to an end and I look up at you with a small smile stretching across my face. Our eyes lock and I whisper to you that I like that song, that it reminds me of our tempo, our rhythm, our ability to create friction and releasement in the only way we know how to together. Your arm tightens around me as you hold me closer and give me that sly grin and small chuckle, never really letting me know whats going on in that mind of yours, but I have a feeling, in some way of yours, you agree with me.
Now all I have is the coldness of the memories, the song ends and I realize how much I miss those arms holding my bare skin and your lips that gave me this electrifying energy when we kissed. It seems like a lifetime ago when I was able to render myself to you in complete trust and complete love, not realizing that this vulnerability was really going to leave me with nothing to hold onto.
I remember leaving your place, not knowing what lay ahead, with tears in my eyes for the first hour, I still wonder I managed to even drive home, especially in the dark when the last thing I had on my mind was the concentration I needed to stay focused on the road.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Yes, as you may have noticed, I have once again, diverted myself from writing here but these past three months have certainly been an eye opener to the feelings I thought I was having for J. As I look back at my last blog and the journals I remember the intense emotions I felt for this man have now diminished by time, new perspectives and well, new men. And, as I look at my blog I think the best way to begin this refreshing renovation on myself is to start from the beginning with men, right from my first boyfriend:
where do I begin...well I was thirteen years old; bright, full of motivation, full of energy, eager to take on the challenges that high school was going to bring. When high school did begin in the fall of '95 I felt like nothing could defeat me: classes were going so smoothly I actually thought the tests and assignments were 'below' my grade level, friends were above and beyond abundant considering the unnecessary moves to different elementary schools within my community made me reconnect with old and dear friends, and my cheerful perspective made me win over new ones. I loved gym class and tried out for various sports and activities outside of school and what made me feel the most at ease was that I was able to succeed in pleasing my parents; my father, in particular. What I did not realize was all this vanity and success was going to really change my perspective on people and what was really going to make me happy (or unhappy) about the real me. As well, by only the second term (there are only three terms in each grade), I had met the man that was going to change..no..how about redefine...the real me.
Adolescents, yes, in all its glory is a time of hormonal change for guys and girls and they do become selfish little beings in that everything in their lives is exaggerated and over dramatized. I believe that all adolescents suffer from their own 'mood disorder' or most of any other disorder you can look up in the newest edition of the DSM (for the rest of my readers that's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual for Mental Disorders). Depression, of all these disorders can be unleashed in various behaviors such as violence, suicide attempts, bullying, other rebellious behavior, over/under eating, erratic sleeping patterns, promiscuity, drug abuse, etc. Of course, these are extreme behaviors and some adolescents simply want to find a path of their own with new people to help them express themselves including the Gothic/emo scene, lol. I suppose my original point here is that adolescent times are subject to extreme behaviors and thus should either be taken seriously or accepted, depending on the child and their vulnerability or subjectivity to mood disorders.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

April 2008

It's been a couple of weeks since I posted my intro and it seems like this itch I have to scratch, I want to write all my ideas and thoughts and experiences but sometimes I do not have my PC handy and so I write in my journal, or diary. The following I am willing to post from my diary as it gives a general idea into my obsessive and sometimes erratic world of emotional up's and down's. I only started writing in a journal a couple of months ago as I could no longer hold all the emotions I was feeling inside and I was desperate to reveal them, even if it was just a private outlet. Of course, it begins with the most haunting feeling and thought I have and that is the pain of having the ONE get away. Side note: This man I will always only refer to as J, all the other men that I will discuss in further blogs will all have letters for names or in the case where there are men with similar names they will be J1, J2, etc. It may sound complicated but I assure my readers there will be no confusion, all men will have their intricate characteristics to establish their blogger identity. And I should also state that any names discussed have been changed in respect for their privacy. So, without further adieu, here is the beginning of my (hopefully) many segments of truth and enlightenment.

"how can one person exasperate your soul without any care or concern? But, what if he does care?..what if he is in the same constant pain, the same confusion? What if he proceeds through the same routines day in and day out without much thought about the present, just wander aimlessly through life wondering if we will or could ever be together again?
The truth is, I'm probably never on his mind, this fantasy that I could ever have meant as much to him as he meant to me is ludicrous.
I'm the one that can't let go.
My eyes are sore from the tears that I shed as I write this and every night when I go to sleep. All I can feel is the space between us, the cold sheets as they wrap around my body with no warmth, no human touch, just one body to fill the bed, one face to cover the pillow.
I heard a song the other day about a woman who refuses to listen to those who keep her from feeling the hardships of love that she felt/feels for a man. This man obviously hurt her and she feels "cut open" by his wounds and now she bleeds his love. My wounds are still in every tear, in every frown, every smile, every breath, every move, and every beat of my heart.
I was once told that it takes half the time of the full relationship to let someone go and I laugh at that remark because they obviously were never in love. I finally spoke to Christina today and it is obvious she still has feelings for him, I knew it the moment we communicated. My first initial intuition was true, she helped tear us apart. Maybe it doesn't matter anymore, maybe I should say goodbye and give on the only thing I have ever felt true, pure emotion for. Will I ever see him again? Only time will tell. Patience, as they say, is a virtue."

Pretty depressing stuff, isn't it? Let me back track a little so it makes more sense. I met him a year after I decided I had enough with my fiance (yes, that story will come later). Up until that time, I had never so much as felt a strong connection to any man, not even my fiance. This connection I can only describe as spiritual, it was an energy that was so strong that it was a force of nature for us to come together. Yes, we had met online so the initial connection was never made until I met him face to face for the first time but for me, that's all it took. One moment. He was late for our first meeting and one of my strong pet peeves is punctuality (or lack thereof) and as I was waiting my head began to fume since our meeting was far out of my area range and I figured everything would be a disaster waiting to happen anyway. I told myself I would give him five more minutes and if he did not walk through that door....and then it happend. My mind went completely blank, my heart felt like it stopped and dropped to the ground. You know how you see those scenes in movies where everything slows down so the camera can show you intricate detail of the scene, where time seems to pass in hours rather than seconds? As he opened the glass doors of the building and walked towards me, I think I blushed so hard that I was going to drop to my knees in embarrassment. His smile was nothing I had ever seen, so rich and inviting and yet so calm and charismatic that I would have given anything to touch those lips. His eyes were so intense that I felt intimidated just gazing into them as if he I looked too long into them, he could read into my very soul.
He apologized for his tardiness and since I felt the need to hold up some sort of defense mechanism and look like I would never put up with such disrespectful behavior, I pursed my lips as hard as I could and coldly replied "I was about to walk out but now that your here I suppose we still have time for a date". God, what a bloody idiot! The rest of the evening went quite well; we grabbed a hot drink and talked for awhile and went to watch a movie. However, as we were relaxing and enjoying the suspenseful film, I felt a hand slide it's way towards my legs and it actually startled me. I pretended not to notice, coyly, when I felt his fingers slide to the outside of my jeans towards my crotch. Now, I'm not one to mind a sly feel of me, but he had no intention of reaching over and maybe caressing my face and kissing me. That turned me off so I took his hand and placed it back on his leg and resumed watching my movie.

Thursday, April 10, 2008

april 2008

I'm quite new to the circuit but fascinated by the idea of creating a blog that perhaps can motivate me to write, explore the realms of my imagination and my life and share with anyone who is willing to read my own experiences with life (more specifically relationships and sex!) I would like to thank my inspiration for choosing this idea, Belle; she is intoxication and apologetically frank about her lifestyle and experiences and I derive some inspiration from her boldness. I think it's about time I shared my personal ventures and I invite you to share with me any questions or comments and any stories...I'm all ears......

I guess I should properly introduce myself: My name is kitten, or, devingly devilish kitten (lol). I started using that name a few years ago when online and men seem to be enticed, or tempted, by such a name, I wonder why? Perhaps kitten can also be referred to something Divine and devilish on a woman? Oh yes, I will not hold back anything and I will be as open as I can be about myself and my views and opinions. I am in my mid twenties and have had several years of experience with the opposite sex through friendships, relationships, intimacies and otherwise. I suppose I love the very idea of men; their habits, their strengths, their weaknesses, their cravings, their hobbies, and what they represent overall, which, in the religious sentiment, is the whole body of what we (women) were created from. But perhaps I should start with some basics about me, not get into my weaknesses (lol).

Anyways, enough of that for now, back to me- I live in Vancouver, most beautiful city I will ever know and my heart will always be here no matter where I go. It is filled with exciting people and what I love about it is that you probably won't run into the same person twice. I like my privacy and I like the fact that Vancouver has an appeal that works for people like me. You can run along the seawall without anyone bothering you, you can go shopping for unmentionables and no one bothers to look disapproving or acknowledge your new whip peaking out your bag while on the sky train:) Yes, it's my kind of city and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.