I had a dream that broke me from a reality that I found to be unbearable. I was wearing a white silken wrap with a shawl wrapped around my neck. I could see the morning sun rising peaking into the room where I lay. I looked above me to see at least twenty more feet of ceiling with a simple fan circulating the humid air surrounding me. I looked over to where the window should be and see an archway made of stone. As my eyes adjust to the sunlight beginning to fill the room I gaze around to see that the room is in fact much larger than I first observed and two more archways for windows appearing parallel to the former one on my side of the bed. I looked down towards my feet to feel the soft Egyptian cotton sheets caress my legs and my body begins to feel quite relaxed and somewhat tired again. I rest my head back on the pillow and suddenly I feel a presence I never even noticed before beside me. I look over to see a dark skinned man laying within the sheets with a soft smile spread across his lips. As he layed upon his side I could see the muscle tone within his arms and the dark hair protruding from his chest. I slowly lift the sheets with a bit of a struggle to see just how lucky I got and as my eyes travel from his chest down to his treasure trail and even further to his pubic area, I cover my mouth with my left hand to stop from gasping. As I cover him back up I notice that he is beginning to stir so I ever so carefully sit up and swing my legs over the bed onto the smooth wooden floor. I am overcome now with confusion and wonder but am distracted by the noises coming from outside. I stand up and slowly walk in the sunlight blazing on the floor and as I come closer and closer to the windowless archway, I see below me a market place filled with people coming and going. As they bustle from one stand to another, I notice that they are covered up with shawls and long dresses and from this picture I realize that this was not home to say the least. Before I could even speak, I hear soft footsteps coming up from behind me and as the presence gets closer I feel warm hands caress my neck. I asked as even toned as I could where I was, as I began to shake with the feel of his skin on mine. He hesitated for a moment and I felt warm lips kiss the nape of my neck. He then preceded to slide his hands around my waist and before I could hesitate he said with a deep soft spoken voice "What a beautiful morning, we should go into the city. I have a surprise waiting for you." I closed my eyes believing this was all a fantasy and when I opened them I piered out through the market place and saw something that brought me pleasure and fear all at once; I saw miles and miles of desert.
He noticed my gaze and pointed towards it and said with utter contentment "This is our home, the way you wanted it".
I turned around and I looked up into his deep brown eyes to find myself completely entranced. He brought his hands up to the tie on my wrap and with one aggressive tug he had untied my wrap and left it to fall gracefully on the floor in front of us. With my eyes still on his, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled myself closer so our lips could not just touch but embrace the heat that came over me. Without another moments hesitation, I kissed him hard and felt his soft tongue play with my lips, as if to ask permission to enter. I moaned and opened my mouth just enough to let our tongues meet with soft certainty. I could feel the heat from his chest against mine and my nipples slowly hardening while his hands grabbed on to my hips and ass firmly. Before I could make another move he hoisted me onto his throbbing member and I cried out in delight as he entered me so smoothly, so perfectly, as if he had done this a hundred times before. With all his strength he carried me over to the bed not even skipping the rhythm we had going and layed me down gently and continued to penetrate me. I moaned even louder and begged him to go deeper and with one stroke he was all in me and I cried out as his thrusts continued deeper and deeper. As he proceeded closer to climaxing he held me tighter and tighter in his arms and with one final stroke we both moaned as he filled me with the most intense passion I had ever felt from a man. As he began to come down from his climax, he rested his head on my chest and told me he loved feeling my heartbeat afterwards.I don’t know if it was because of the shock from this incredible man’s touch that awakened my system or the feel of him still inside me or even the humidity that began to creep up along our sweat induced skin, but I began to feel tears streaming in my eyes and creep down my cheeks as I smiled at him. Looking into his eyes I began to be flooded with memories that hit me so hard in a side sweep as if I was recovering from temporary amnesia. I stroked his face softly and begin to say something..................
......................I wake up.
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