I'm quite new to the circuit but fascinated by the idea of creating a blog that perhaps can motivate me to write, explore the realms of my imagination and my life and share with anyone who is willing to read my own experiences with life (more specifically relationships and sex!) I would like to thank my inspiration for choosing this idea, Belle; she is intoxication and apologetically frank about her lifestyle and experiences and I derive some inspiration from her boldness. I think it's about time I shared my personal ventures and I invite you to share with me any questions or comments and any stories...I'm all ears......
I guess I should properly introduce myself: My name is kitten, or, devingly devilish kitten (lol). I started using that name a few years ago when online and men seem to be enticed, or tempted, by such a name, I wonder why? Perhaps kitten can also be referred to something Divine and devilish on a woman? Oh yes, I will not hold back anything and I will be as open as I can be about myself and my views and opinions. I am in my mid twenties and have had several years of experience with the opposite sex through friendships, relationships, intimacies and otherwise. I suppose I love the very idea of men; their habits, their strengths, their weaknesses, their cravings, their hobbies, and what they represent overall, which, in the religious sentiment, is the whole body of what we (women) were created from. But perhaps I should start with some basics about me, not get into my weaknesses (lol).
Anyways, enough of that for now, back to me- I live in Vancouver, most beautiful city I will ever know and my heart will always be here no matter where I go. It is filled with exciting people and what I love about it is that you probably won't run into the same person twice. I like my privacy and I like the fact that Vancouver has an appeal that works for people like me. You can run along the seawall without anyone bothering you, you can go shopping for unmentionables and no one bothers to look disapproving or acknowledge your new whip peaking out your bag while on the sky train:) Yes, it's my kind of city and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
I guess I should properly introduce myself: My name is kitten, or, devingly devilish kitten (lol). I started using that name a few years ago when online and men seem to be enticed, or tempted, by such a name, I wonder why? Perhaps kitten can also be referred to something Divine and devilish on a woman? Oh yes, I will not hold back anything and I will be as open as I can be about myself and my views and opinions. I am in my mid twenties and have had several years of experience with the opposite sex through friendships, relationships, intimacies and otherwise. I suppose I love the very idea of men; their habits, their strengths, their weaknesses, their cravings, their hobbies, and what they represent overall, which, in the religious sentiment, is the whole body of what we (women) were created from. But perhaps I should start with some basics about me, not get into my weaknesses (lol).
Anyways, enough of that for now, back to me- I live in Vancouver, most beautiful city I will ever know and my heart will always be here no matter where I go. It is filled with exciting people and what I love about it is that you probably won't run into the same person twice. I like my privacy and I like the fact that Vancouver has an appeal that works for people like me. You can run along the seawall without anyone bothering you, you can go shopping for unmentionables and no one bothers to look disapproving or acknowledge your new whip peaking out your bag while on the sky train:) Yes, it's my kind of city and I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world.
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